Welcome from the Chair

Welcome to the Lionel Walden School Association

The LWSA or PTA has two essential functions.

Firstly, we provide exciting, fun events and activities for the pupils’ enjoyment, these include Breakfast with Santa, the Summer Fair, Easter Bingo, discos and cake stalls; all of which depend on the support of our volunteers for their success.  This school year we hope to improve on past successes and make some small changes to events to keep them fresh and engaging for all.

Secondly, the funds raised by these functions enable the LWSA to contribute to projects for the enrichment of pupils’ experience at school.  Recently these projects have included the outdoor reading area, activity boards on the playground, a sound system and projector for the hall and upgrading of the library.  In addition, the LWSA funds the provision of Year 6 leavers’ hoodies and Reception children’s book bags.

There are many ways in which pupils’ families can become involved in helping to make staging events and fundraising even more successful.  New members are always welcome, and every contribution of skills or time is appreciated – it’s not just about attending meetings!

We aim to provide regular updates on events both on the School website and our Facebook page, and any feedback, good or bad is welcomed.   Please do not hesitate to contact myself, any member of the committee or the School office if you would like to know more about the LWSA.

We look forward to seeing you!


Yours sincerely

Rhona Edgoose

Chair of the LWSA