Pre-School Admissions

We are delighted that you have shown an interest in our Pre-School.  
At Lionel Walden Pre-School, our primary intent is to provide a nurturing and inclusive environment where every child can flourish and develop to their fullest potential.
We are committed to fostering a love for learning, social development, and creativity in our young learners.
Our dedicated team of staff are passionate about creating a safe, stimulating, and fun educational experience that sets the foundation for a lifetime of success.
We prioritize the individual needs and interests of each child, encouraging curiosity, independence, and a strong sense of community. We aim is to be a trusted partner in your child's early education journey, instilling a lifelong love for discovery, exploration, and learning

Statement of Intent

It is our intention to make our Pre-School accessible to children and families from all sections of the local community.  We are committed to being as inclusive as possible regarding our admissions for our Pre-School. 


Legal framework

The Pre-School operates under the legal framework set down by the Department of Education:



  •        To ensure that Lionel Walden Pre-School is accessible to all sections of the community, through open, fair, and clearly communicated procedures. 
  •        To promote a smooth and stress-free transition to the setting.
  •        To accommodate, where possible, the differing needs of parents and children within the operating requirements of the Pre-School.
  •        To ensure that all statutory staff:child ratios are maintained.

Offering places

We care for children aged 3 and 4, and the numbers admitted to the Pre-School comply with the legal space requirements set out in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) government document.  Children can be admitted to the Pre-School the term after their 3rd birthday.  When considering admissions, we are mindful of staff:child ratios and the facilities available at the Pre-School.  We are registered with OFSTED to provide up to 32 places at any one time.

All funded sessions are in line with flexible arrangements as specified by the Government.  When you register your child for their funded place, we will discuss your needs and, as far as possible with availability and staffing arrangements, we will endeavour to accommodate your wishes.

If it has been deemed that Pre-School has reached operating capacity, then children will be put on a waiting list.  When places become available, we will use the following criteria to invite children on the waiting list to join us:

  •        Children in care
  •        Children in the school catchment and moving into Reception year the following academic year
  •        Children with siblings at Lionel Walden Primary School
  •        Children in the school catchment
  •        Children out of school catchment



Lionel Walden Pre-School are in receipt of Early Years Education Funding (EYEF) for 3- to 4-year-olds.  All 3- to 4-year-olds are entitled to the Universal 15 funded hours during term time.  This is available from the term following your child’s third birthday.


Government funded sessions

To be eligible for funded sessions at Lionel Walden Pre-School, parents should complete and return the Early Years Funding Declarations form sent out with the admission pack once their application to join the Pre-School has been successful. 

All 3- and 4-year-olds are entitled to 15 hrs free childcare can attend up to 5 fully funded sessions.  These sessions run during the morning and afternoon and can be booked following the guidance below.


Extended hours (funded)

Parents may also be eligible for the extended 15 hours funding giving a total of 30 hrs free childcare allowing them attend up to 10 fully funded sessions.  Parents/carers will need to apply for this using the link found in the Parent Information Sheet included in the admission pack or by clicking this link:

If successful in the application, a code will be generated that parents will need to include in the Early Years Funded Declaration form that is returned to school.   This code will then be validated by the school.

Checks are made against HMRC data throughout the year regarding continued eligibility.  Parents must reconfirm details to HMRC every three months to confirm eligibility.  If eligibility lapses, only HMRC can reverse this decision.  If parents are no longer eligible for extended funded, then hours booked above the universal 15 hours will be charged for at the rate of £16.50 per session.


Additional hours (non-funded)

If parents are not entitled to the extended 15 hours of funded childcare but would like additional session/s then these can be booked at a rate of £16.50 per session.  For booking sessions, please see the Allocation of Sessions section below.  Allocation of funded and non-funded places follow the same admission criteria.  Non-funded hours are invoiced on a monthly basis at the end of each month and payable within 14 days.  All additional hours booked for the term will be charge for, including absence and holidays. The setting reserves the right withdraw and non-funded places on late payment of this invoice.


Session times

The Pre-School operates both morning and afternoon sessions (3hrs each in duration).  Session times are as follows:              

Mornings only:              8:45am – 11:55am

Afternoons only:            12pm – 3pm


Allocation of sessions

Session allocation windows will open three times a year.  During this time, you may request session times for the following term.  Once this window has closed, we will allocate children’s sessions accordingly.  Sessions will then be confirmed with you shortly after closure of the window. 

Parents with children looking to join the setting in the Autumn Term should initially complete a ‘Form of Interest’ available from our website.  Our team will then make contact to confirm arrangements.

Once sessions have been allocated, it will not be possible to change adhoc as staffing decisions are made in advance using information provided in the allocations window to ensure correct ratios are in operation.  Please note that there is no guarantee of an increase in sessions for the term once the allocation window has closed. 

If your circumstances change once your sessions have been allocated, then please inform us as soon as possible so that we can discuss this in more detail.   


If you are interested in applying for places in our Pre-School then please complete our Notice of Interest form below.  Your responses will be recorded and our office will be in contact with your when the next round of admissions take place. 
We will always aim to accommodate need but we have to comply with building regulations regarding the total number of children allowed at any one time, and staffing ratio levels.  This may mean that we are unable to accommodate your need or increase hours.
Please also note that gaining a place at Lionel Walden Pre-School does not guarantee a place in Reception at Lionel Walden.  The school admissions operates via the Local Authority and application for admission to Reception should be made via the LA.