
Lionel Walden partners with PiXL (Partners in Excellence) to assist with the assessing of children's learning in English and maths.  The school has a nominated PiXL lead who ensures that teachers are skilled at interpreting data from both internal sources (tests) and on a national basis.  PiXL is used by many schools across the country, and this allows us to benchmark our school against others and look at strengths and weaknesses in learning across the partnership.
Termly Assessments:
Years 2-6 complete a PIXL assessment for Reading, Grammar and Maths each term.  Year 1 complete these in the spring and summer terms. Teachers use the results test, as well as their own teacher judgements, to identify specific gaps for individual children, small groups and the whole class. PIXL therapies, specifically designed to address curriculum objectives, are used for their intended audiences.   
End of Key Stage assessments
At the end  KS2 (Year 6), children will sit National Statutory Assessment Tests often called SATs.  These will occur in the Summer Term and parents will be given further information about these nearer the time.
Key stage 2
The key stage 2 tests are timetabled from Tuesday 9 May to Friday 12 May 2023.
Date Activity
Monday 12 May 2025 English grammar, punctuation and spelling papers 1 and 2
Tuesday 13 May 2025 English reading
Wednesday 14 May 2025 Mathematics papers 1 and 2
Thursday 16 May 2025  Mathematics paper 3
Multiplication Check - Year 4
Year 4 will sit a short online multiplication check in June.  This is to assess their proficiency in recall of their times tables up to 12.  Your child will be supported in preparing for these online checks during the lead up to them.    
Phonics Check - Year 1
During Monday 9 June to Friday 13 June 2025, the Phonics screening checks will take place for children in year 1.  These are short, teacher guided tests that children will be very familiar with by the time they take them.  They are very short and test a variety of techniques such as phoneme/graphemes correspondence, decoding and blending sound, real and nonsense word reading.
Year 2 children who did not pass the check whilst in year 1, or missed the check, will also take the test.